Saree Draping

Saree Draping

The origin of draping a saree is several centuries old – apparently it was first recorded in the Indus valley civilization. However, the modern 6 yards saree evolved from the original two-piece garment of yesteryears. In the beginning, saree is believed to have been a garment for the lower body only. This style can still be seen on temple sculptures which show goddesses and dancers wearing a dothi-wrap. This fish-tale saree wearing style loosely covers the legs and has long decorative pleats down the front. This saree drape not only facilitated easy movement but also made the wearer look more feminine

Sarees are making way for western outfits due to the comfort and ease of wearing them, giving a sensuous look, etc. Our objective is to change this outlook towards our oldest fabric which is looked down as too traditional and orthodox. A Saree if draped properly can help a women look gorgeous and sensuous at the same time. We make sure that experience of draping a saree is made as simple as wearing a western outfit thus helping women to experiment with their looks every time on every occasion.

  • Nivi – styles originally worn in Andra Pradesh; besides the modern nivi, there is also the kaccha nivi, where the pleats are passed through the legs and tucked into the waist at the back. This allows free movement while covering the legs.
  • Bengali and Oriya Style.
  • Gujarati – this style differs from the nivi only in the manner that the loose end is handled: in this style, the loose end is draped over the right shoulder rather than the left, and is also draped back-to-front rather than the other way around.
  • Maharashtrian/kashta - This drape front and back is very similar to that of the male Maharashtrian Dhooti (dhoti). The center of the sari (held lengthwise) is placed at the center back, the ends are brought forward and tied securely, then the two ends are wrapped around the legs. When worn as a sari, an extra-long cloth is used and the ends are then passed up over the shoulders and the upper body. They are primarily worn by "Brahmin women" of Maharastra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
  • Dravidian – sari drapes worn in Tamil Nadu; many feature a pinkosu, or pleated rosette, at the waist.
  • Madisaara style – This drape is typical of Brahmin ladies from Tamil Nadu and Kerala
  • Kodagu style – This drape is confined to ladies hailing from the Kodagu district of Karnatka. In this style, the pleats are created in the rear, instead of the front. The loose end of the sari is draped back-to-front over the right shoulder, and is pinned to the rest of the sari.
  • Gond – sari styles found in many parts of Central India. The cloth is first draped over the left shoulder, then arranged to cover the body. the two-piece sari, or mundum neryathum, worn in Kerala. Usually made of unbleached cotton and decorated with gold or colored stripes and/or borders.
